Introduction of M.A.D

M.A.D is an acoustic rock band. Their music style includes acoustic rock, folk rock and oldies.

M.A.D是一隊Acoustic Rock樂隊,風格包括Acoustic Rock, Folk Rock, Pop & Oldies

Formation of M.A.D

Ahead of 2005, Michael and Derek knew each other in a house Party of Ching Wan Folk Song Group. Later on, a friend of Michael 'Adam' came back to Hongkong and started their first performance in another house party together. The band name was created by their first letter of their Christian name, Michael, Adam and Derek. Afterwards, they met a new friend ‘Lanno’ at internet and Lanno joined M.A.D as a Bass Guitarist.

Four of them have different musical background which mix the elements of acoustic with rock. The musical style comes with folk and acoustic rock.

2005年初,Michael、Derek二人因參加青韻民歌網HouseParty而認識,加上Michael好友Adam剛回流香港,三人一時興起組隊作四月House Party的表演嘉賓,並以三人名字頭一個字母為隊名,也取其MAD瘋狂之意,因為人到中年才夾Band,都算係是瘋狂一種。後來,又踫上網上認識的資深樂手Lanno,因M.A.D需要一位Bass Guitarist,便邀請他加入M.A.D。

四位成員不同的音樂背景,可說是Acoustic與Rock的結合,風格自然就是民謠式音樂中帶點搖滾味道的Acoustic Rock。以下各成員的檔案。

Derek Li (Lead Vocals,Guitars)

He formed Data Band in 80s with live performance show during that time. His music style includes pop, rock and new romance. In the mid 80s, Derek had joined former BMG records to be a singer and produced an album ‘Days and Nights’ Recently, Derek has to become an amateur musician who play unplugged music

於80年代已曾組DATA BAND公開演出,不同階段的音樂風格包括了搖滾、流行及新浪漫。80年代中簽約當時的現代唱片公司(即現時BMG前身),成為合約歌手。當年以中文名李錦華推出一張個人專輯唱片 『日與夜』。近年,則以業餘性質玩unplugged音樂為主。


Lanno Luk (Bass Guitars, Vocals)

During 70s, Lanno formed a rock band 'The Knight' with his friend Peter S.D Chan and had live performance. In 80s, Lanno emigrated to South America where he was affected by local Latin Music. He formed a band to play Salsa Music during that time. In 90s, Lanno came back to Hongkong to form a rock band '2Tonnes' and replay the ozzy Osbourne, Metallica, Iron Maiden & Rolling Stones etc. Recently, he formed another band 'Razones' which mainly played Latin Rock ,Blues and have been performing in various Pub and Cafe.He joined M.A.D in 2005.

早在70年代和朋友Peter S.D.Chan組成RockBand: "The Knight"作公開演出。80年代移居南美洲,受當地拉丁音樂薰陶,組Band轉玩充滿拉丁風情的Salsa音樂。90年代回流香港,再組Rock Band"2Tonnes", 著重玩Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica,Iron Maiden及RollingStones等較重型音樂。近年又組"Razones"樂隊.以Latin Rock及Blues為主。至今Razones仍有在多間有Live Band的Pub及Cafe客串演出。05年中,加入M.A.D,兼玩較Acoustic音樂。

Michael Tsui (Vocals,Guitars,Harmonicas)

Nickname 'Uncle Michael' or 'Folk Song Dictionary', he was a mainstay of folk music during 70s. Michael has been promoting folk song and live music for years. He knows well about the development history of folk and pop music. Starting from 2000, he worked with producer and guitar singer, Boris, to host a music program ‘Folk Singing’on Web Radio. He further group with many folk song and acoustic music friends through internet. In addition, he coordinated various folk and acoustic bands including himself to have live music show in different areas. Michael truly group up a vigourous power of folk music in Hongkong.

人稱『Michael叔叔』,早於70年代已是民歌中堅份子,多年來更致力於推動民歌及Live Music,對民歌及歐西流行曲發展瞭如指掌,於民歌界有『民歌字典』美譽。從2000年開始,他和唱片監製及結他歌手Boris哥哥在WebRadio主持『Folk聲高唱』節目,透過互聯網,將香港一班玩民歌及Acoustic音樂的朋友凝合起來,更在網上,音樂會及音樂餐廳等場合撮成多個民歌隊的Live Music Show,自己亦不時發燒組隊演出,推動民歌及Live Music,為香港民歌界集結一股活躍力量。


Adam Chow (Lead Guitars,Vocals)

Adam had formed a band 'Unison' in Canada at earlier stage and had live show performance in different parties. His musical horizon is wide. He likes to play the music of Beatles (60s), Eagles and Sam Hui (70s), Beyond (80s). In 2005, Adam came back to Hongkong with his invaluable Gibson Guitar and joined the band of M.A.D.

早年移民加拿大,在當地與多位朋友組流行樂隊The Unison,經常在各種華人聚會Party表演,風格廣闊,歌路橫誇60-80年代,由60年代的Beatles,至70年代Eagles、許冠傑、以至80年代Beyond等都無所不玩。2005年,Adam帶著一支名貴Gibson結他回流香港,重投香港的音樂懷抱。轉眼又搞了一隊M.A.D出來。